Why birch sap is the new elixir of youth
In April, the birch sap collection season begins. This underrated natural drink is a source of useful substances. It's time to appreciate not only the pleasant sweet taste of birch sap, but also its useful properties.
What is the benefit?
Birch sap is a real elixir of health and youth. It contains B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, saponins, betulin, essential oils, more than 10 organic acids and phytoncides, which help improve immunity.
Birch juice blocks the absorption of cholesterol and, accordingly, helps to cleanse of blood The drink has this effect because it contains saponin (an organic compound of plant origin).
Birch juice is useful for those who want to lose weight. One of the frequent causes of excess weight is retention of excess fluid in the body, and juice has a diuretic effect. It contains a lot of potassium (in general, about 25 mg per 100 ml). This substance helps remove excess fluid from the body. At the same time, the water-salt and Ph balances in the body will not be disturbed, since there are many minerals in the juice. Thanks to this effect, blood pressure decreases.
Birch juice stimulates the acid-forming function of the stomach. It also contains enzymes. These properties of the juice make it an excellent drink for those who want to improve digestion. By the way, this drink does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach at all, unlike fruit juices.
Birch juice is low in calories: only 25 calories per 100 grams.
Who should not drink birch juice?
Birch should not be drunk by people who are allergic to birch pollen. Those who have large kidney stones (more than 3 mm) should be more careful with birch sap. The fact is that the diuretic effect of the drink can make the stones move, and they can get stuck in the urinary tract.
What to do with birch sap?
Fresh birch sap can be drunk. But, first of all, it is not so easy for those who live in the city to get it. Secondly, since it contains only 2% of natural sugars, it cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, birch sap is preserved. Some add various additives to it, such as lemon, mint and other herbs, to make the taste of the drink more interesting. If you evaporate birch sap for a while, it will become an excellent alternative to maple syrup. The resulting syrup will have a golden hue and a pleasant sweet taste with woody notes and slight sourness.
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