Why can't you drink pressure pills in the morning?
Western experts found that the healing properties of some pills and drugs are increasing and decreasing at a certain time of day. This is primarily due to human biological rhythms. Yes, they dictate when we have a better rest when we need to do active affairs. It also depends on the benefit or harm of medicines. In the morning, according to the scientist, blood pressure rises naturally. At the same time, if you drink a tablet at night, it will help to avoid morning peak pressure. Thus, by the way, it is possible to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, which most often occur between six in the morning to 12 o'clock in the day. Then the toxicity of the drug only increases, because in the early hours in the liver is the highest level of enzyme. Paracetamol will only contribute to an even greater concentration in the body, which can do serious harm.
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