Why dating on the Internet does not turn into a real relationship
But more often than not, the first date turns out to be a failure and things don't go any further. Why does this happen?
Online dating is a great alternative for busy people who just never want to find a partner “in real life”. Yes, everything is much easier on the Internet, a person feels bolder and freer, nevertheless, there are quite a lot of pitfalls, stumbling upon which, online dating does not end in anything good.
You do not have enough information. During a personal meeting, you can evaluate not only a person's external data, facial expressions, gestures, the impression the interlocutor makes, all these are very important components that are absent in online dating. The questionnaire cannot contain all the necessary information to really assess how nice and interesting a person is to you. In addition, according to statistics, more than 50% of questionnaires contain incorrect or distorted data about a potential partner.
You spend a lot of time and effort. In real life, everything is simple, the question of sympathy is resolved in a matter of hours, on the Internet, in order to find a partner, you need to make more efforts: look at a lot of profiles, establish communication, and only then think about dating. It is precisely because the process is long that you expect too much from a date, but are often disappointed.
You are silent about many things. Before meeting, get to know each other well and discuss important points for you: lifestyle, habits, plans for the future, motives and goals of dating. Silence and secretiveness lead to disappointment, so it is better to talk about all important details “on the shore”.
You want to appear better. When you sit in front of the monitor screen, you can slightly (and sometimes quite a lot) adjust your appearance, ascribe to yourself non-existent interests, hobbies, etc. If you do this, the first meeting with a partner will be the last, as the “expectations” and “reality” will not match, bringing only disappointment.
You are looking for a non-existent ideal . There are a lot of partners with whom you can establish a relationship through various dating sites, this is what motivates you not to stop looking for a successful candidate, but to look for more and more. This threatens that you will continue to sit “online”, expecting that there are even better ones out there. As you know, the grass is greener at your neighbor's, but you can lose precious time that way, so decide on your requirements for a partner, don't build illusions, but try.
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