Why do experienced gardeners do not destroy these weeds on the site


The fight against weeds is a lot of time and the cultivation.

gardeners hate them and try to destroy in all possible ways, including chemical treatments that can turn the garden and the garden into a “dead zone” for several years. But are so scary enemies of the garden?

Maybe it's time to learn to live together, as the hero of the famous cartoon?Nettle is not loved for burning leaves, creeping rhizome and the ability to suppress the growth of all plants in their path. But a few nettle bushes in the far corner of the garden will bring a lot of benefits. In the spring, it is early greens for soups and salads, closer to the summer – an indispensable component of Brodilovka – a natural nitrogen fertilizer for the garden. And adding fresh leaves to a hole when planting a cucumber or zucchini will give a terrific result – the plant will quickly grow in and will be resistant to disease.


Despite the fact that horseradish belongs to cultivated plants, it is often recorded in weeds. Because neither shovel, nettle nor even herbicides can handle it. A surprisingly living plant that breeds even a small piece of root.

but horseradish is not just a delicious seasoning. It can be used for soil healing. Make infusions or add to Brodilovka. Horseradish does not taste to many pathogens, with its help inhibit fusariosis, which is difficult to cope with even chemicals.

Harry herb

gaters spend a lot of strength to get rid of wetlands. But is it always justified?

After all, it is a wonderful coat that not only retains moisture in the dry summer, but also collects it. The name of the grass speaks for itself. The woodpea collects dew that flows its stem and moisturizes the soil.

it does not shade tall plants, such as berry shrubs or tall tomatoes. Nothing wrong will happen if the bed or under the currant bush will grow. The main thing is to prevent seeds from appearing. Its decoctions are sprayed with cabbage, potatoes, currant bushes, deterring harmful insects. The branches of this bitter plant, spread over cabbage, scare but butterflies and leaflets. No wonder in landscape design often use this plant.

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Author: alex

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