Why do gardeners spray cucumbers in the heat?
Excessively high air temperature has a detrimental effect not only on humans, but also on plants. During the exhausting summer heat, they need sufficient watering to meet their moisture needs.
At the same time, farmers who grow cucumbers on their homesteads both water the plants abundantly and sometimes spray them.
Do summer residents really believe that regular watering is not enough to protect the vegetable crop from the scorching sun? The fact is that this action is directly related to the harvest that will be obtained.
It is known that a temperature of +30 degrees and above leads to a change in the sex of cucumbers. More male flowers appear there, which are able to form ovaries. Conversely, if the plant has most female flowers, then there is not enough pollen for their pollination.
Spraying helps to lower the temperature and thus allows you to harvest a good harvest, despite the heat.
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