Why is a bird knocking on your window: what signs have existed since ancient times?
A bird knocking on a window has always caused people special feelings – from joy to anxiety. In every culture, this event has acquired its own meaning, and many of them have survived to this day.
A bird knocking on a window is not just a coincidence. According to popular beliefs, such an event can be both a good and a not-so-good sign.
1. If a bird knocks on the window in the morning
This is a good sign. Folk wisdom says that this symbolizes quick good news or a guest who will bring joy.
2. If a bird knocks in the evening
This can cause concern. In some regions, it was believed that this was a warning about events that required attention.
3. A bird sits on the windowsill and does not fly away
This sign was often considered good – as if nature was asking you for help or bringing you news.
4. If a bird hit the window and fell
This is one of the biggest signs associated with warning. In ancient times, it was interpreted as a reminder of the need to be important in your actions.
What does the type of bird mean?
Dove. A symbol of peace and good news. If a dove knocks on a window, it means harmony.
Crow or crows. In some cultures, this was considered a sign of serious changes, sometimes a warning of problems.
Swallow. A swallow knocking on a window symbolizes well-being and prosperity.
Titmouse.If this bird knocked on the window, it is a good sign, foreshadowing joy or pleasant events.
A modern view of signs
Of course, many today explain such cases from a scientific point of view: the bird can see its reflection in the glass or simply look for food and warmth. However, signs continue to live on, and they often find support or a hint for action.
Interesting facts
- In the Middle Ages, it was believed that birds knocking on windows were associated with messages from spirits.
- In Japan, such an event is associated with good luck, especially if it is a dove or a swallow.
- In In Slavic traditions, it was believed that the bird brings messages from ancestors.
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