Why salt is important for health

It's no secret that salt is dangerous for the body. In large quantities. People think they consume little salt, but in fact we eat sodium not only with home-cooked food, but also as part of other products.

A large amount of so-called hidden salt is found in sausages, canned meat and fish, snacks, seasonings, and even in bread. Even if you don't salt the food you cook yourself, the hidden salt will fill, or maybe even exceed, the daily salt intake.

It is recommended to eat no more than 5 grams of salt per day, but expert estimates prove that we eat more than 10 grams every day. And sodium affects the functioning of the heart, the condition of blood vessels, provokes the development of obesity and osteoporosis, causes kidney diseases and a whole range of other pathologies.

At the same time, sodium and chlorine are the main components of plasma, lymphatic and extracellular fluid, and are also part of the amniotic fluid in which the baby develops in the womb. It turns out that salt is still necessary for health, but how to regulate its amount consumed per day?

First of all, it is recommended to minimize the amount of processed foods in the diet, not to abuse fast food and bakery products, eat chips and crackers less often, use only natural seasonings, not mixtures. You also need to drink more fluids so that all harmful elements are removed from the body in a timely manner.

Doctors advise replacing regular salt with iodized salt. It will be much healthier, but you should not abuse it either. A person can only live for 10 days without salt in the diet.

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Author: alex

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