Why you don't need to wash mushrooms before frying

You can't start frying champignons without pre-treatment. The fact is that there are almost always extra particles on the surface of the mushrooms. These can be either grains of sand or whole “pieces” of soil. All contaminants need to be removed. And cooks have different approaches to achieving this goal.


Some housewives simply wash the mushrooms. Others refuse to use water and clean the product using additional devices. At first glance, it doesn't matter which method to choose.

However, experienced cooks emphasize: a correctly performed preliminary procedure will help to prepare delicious mushrooms. But an incorrectly chosen cleaning option will leave the dish pale and without a golden crust.

Incorrect action

There is no need to wash champignons before cooking. These mushrooms have strong absorbing properties. This means that moisture will remain inside the dish.

The result of frying such mushrooms will be the absence of a blush on the surface. In addition, the dish will lose its bright taste and may simply turn out to be tasteless.

Correct action

You need to clean the champignons with a sponge. It is enough to lightly “walk” this material over the surface of the mushrooms.

If the contamination is serious, you can limit yourself to such an action as rubbing the mushroom caps against each other.

If there are dry areas on the mushrooms, then they must be cut with a knife.

Sometimes a situation arises when you cannot do without water. This happens in the presence of heavy contamination. Usually, this is sand that has “crept in” so deeply that it cannot be removed with a sponge.

In this case, you can quickly pour water over the mushrooms (literally for a few seconds). This will remove the dirt and prevent the dish from absorbing moisture.

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Author: alex

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