Why Your Hair Smells Bad: 4 Common Reasons

Despite thorough head washing, sometimes it can happen that an unpleasant smell suddenly starts coming from the head.

Trichologists name four common causes of this problem.

Washing too often. Washing scalp not only eliminates the unpleasant smell of stale hair, but can also contribute to its occurrence – this is because the cleaning components can damage the microbiome of the scalp, making it easier for bad bacteria and fungi to enter. In addition to the unpleasant smell, inflammation and itching of the scalp also become more frequent.

Hormonal changes. Can also contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant smell from the head. Hormonal fluctuations activate the production of more sebum and sweat particles, which are deposited on the scalp and hair.

Cigarette smoke. Hair absorbs it especially “willingly”, while the unpleasant smell can be very persistent.

Scalp infections. A skin infection, usually fungal, can also be the cause of an unpleasant smell in the hair. If you notice an unpleasant odor, itchiness, or find circular areas of peeling skin on your head, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

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Author: alex

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