10 juices that are useful for people with high blood pressure
Drinks made from certain vegetables, fruits and berries are indicated for hypertension. They stabilize blood pressure no worse than tablets.
You can prepare such healthy drinks yourself. For this you will need a juicer or even a regular spoon.
Useful for hypertension:
Pomegranate juice. Squeeze the pomegranates with a squeezer, dilute the concentrate with water. You can add a teaspoon of honey.
Viburnum.You can simply mash it and filter it, adding honey. It is useful to drink such a drink 2 times a day (three tablespoons in the morning and in the evening).
Mix of orange, pear and kiwi. Squeeze the juice from the fruit, drink in the morning every other day.
Persimmon. Useful fruit and juice. Two glasses a day are recommended.
Black rowan.Wash the berries, mash and strain. It is useful to drink 50 milliliters of this juice three times a day before meals. Drink like this for two weeks, then take a 30-day break.
Potato juice. You will need three potatoes to make the drink. Peel them off, rub on a fine grater, squeeze and drink immediately. It should be done 30 minutes before eating.
Cucumber. You need to cook it as well as in the case of potatoes. Drink 100 milliliters twice a day. The recommended course is 2 weeks.
Zucchini juice. Similar to potato and cucumber juice. It should be used twice a day. First, two tablespoons half an hour before meals. Gradually increase the intake to 100 milliliters. The course is 3 weeks.
Pumpkin. The juice of this useful vegetable should be drunk on 1 tablespoon three times a day. This should be done half an hour before eating.
Beets. The vegetable should be finely grated and squeezed. Then insist for two hours. Before taking, it is best to dilute 50 milliliters of plain water or another juice. Cucumber, carrot or celery is suitable.
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