10 laws of quick memorization of information
Many complain about a lack of memory, but few admit to a lack of intelligence… A good memory is an important tool for the full functioning of the brain.
What to pay attention to when training your memory:
The Law of Attitude
The desire to remember improves memorization.
The Law of Interest
Information that arouses personal interest is remembered better.
The Law of Comprehension
Data that you have analyzed and systematized remains in memory more strongly.
The Law of Context
Information that is added to what is already fixed in your memory is better absorbed.
The Law of Action
Practical application of the obtained data strengthens memorization.
Law of Repetition
Frequent transmission of new knowledge gives it a long life.
Law of Volume
It is easier to remember information that does not exceed the volume of operational (short-term memory).
Law of Edges
The beginning and end of an information block are remembered better than the middle.
Law of Intrigue
Unfinished phrases, unsolved problems are remembered better.
Law of Substitution
Updated information on the same topic easily replaces outdated information.
Knowledge of these laws will help in understanding the mechanisms of memorization, but will not solve the problems of memory deterioration due to age or other personal reasons. Healthy lifestyle, fine motor skills, proper diet, and medications will definitely help after talking to a specialist.
Let's remember that interest in the world around us, empathy, and kindness are no less important for a good memory.
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