10 of the most useful foods that should be eaten by women at any age

Make sure that these products are in your diet every day, and you will keep your health and beauty for a long time!

For a healthy heart and clean blood vessels, for youthful skin, for longevity and even for later menopause – we have selected the 10 most useful foods that women of any age should eat as often as possible.

Olive oil

Some nutritionists suggest that it is olive oil that provides the lion's share of the positive effect of the Mediterranean diet – the healthiest and most successful longevity. Olive oil is a source of monounsaturated vegetable fats, which are necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Olives also contain the phytonutrient oleocanthal, which reduces inflammation and helps with osteoarthritis, breast cancer, and liver and colon cancer. These healthy fats also play a role in improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes.


The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA make salmon the healthiest fish champion. Regular consumption of salmon reduces inflammation, lowers the risk of heart disease and improves mood, and may also slow the development of type 2 diabetes.


Of all legumes, lentils contain the most protein, fiber, and the least amount of fat. And its low glycemic index helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels, and can also be an ideal source of protein for those following a vegetarian diet.


One of the healthiest vegetables, onions rich in antioxidants, as well as flavonoids, which are necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, onions, shallots and even garlic are equally useful.


Nuts are another key element of the Mediterranean diet. And the most useful of them are almonds. These nuts improve weight and blood pressure, lipid and glucose levels, and memory. And as a snack, almonds help us maintain a sense of satiety and maintain a good figure and a healthy weight.


Dried fruits still have an undeservedly bad reputation due to their high calorie and sugar content. Meanwhile, dates are rich in calcium and magnesium, vital for bone health, and contain the antioxidant lutein-zeaxanthin, which improves eye health in people at risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.


Curcumin, an antioxidant found in this popular spice, helps prevent fatty deposits and clogging of arteries. Turmeric can be added to food, or to coffee drinks or tea.


What happens when our blood vessels are exposed to dangerous factors for a long time – for example, high blood pressure or “bad” cholesterol? Their walls wear out, become less elastic and stop functioning normally, which increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. An ordinary watermelon can help: this huge berry is rich in citrulline, an amino acid that the body uses to produce nitric oxide, which in turn is necessary to restore blood vessels to a healthy elasticity.


Fortunately , cardiologists rehabilitated eggs: they are not considered a storehouse of terrible cholesterol. On the contrary, now nutritionists unanimously recommend including eggs in the daily diet to everyone who is concerned about the health of blood vessels and heart: eggs are rich in protein, which helps us to keep a sense of satiety longer and, therefore, to gain less weight. Also, eggs are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 – so enjoy your morning scrambled eggs!

Dairy products

Dairy products should be eaten as often as possible: they are rich in calcium, vitamin D and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. So if you cannot eat fish and seafood (for example, due to allergies), drink kefir and eat cheese – and you will be healthy.

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Author: alex

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