10 signs that you are missing magnesium


Daily Magnesium Dose for Women-About 300 mg per day. How to understand that you do not have magnesium in your body, and what threatens you? Magnesium corresponds to the proper functioning of the nervous system, so all this is the result of its lack in the body. Magnesium, on the contrary, is actively excreted from cells.

Night cramps

You wake up at night that you bring your calf muscles and the convulsions do not pass immediately. Sometimes you note tingling or heaviness in your legs. All this can happen if you lack magnesium. Magnesium is involved in calcium metabolism, the less the risk of a seizure. By the way, the eye that falls is also a micro -building!

Bad sleep

If you do not have enough magnesium in the body, you will hardly fall asleep and wake up hard, and sometimes lie without sleeping hours. Insomnia is a clear symptom that your nervous system lacks magnesium help. Magnesium helps regulate sodium and calcium balance in cells and directly affects the cardiovascular system.Why do many miss the magnesium? If you consume alcoholic beverages (even one glass of wine) more often than three times a week, you are at risk. Wine, beer and cocktails are excellent diuretics, and magnesium is easily and quickly excreted with liquid.Magnesium is needed for proper carbohydrate metabolism – it helps to control glucose levels. If you admire the coffee with donuts – you risk double: diuretic effect of coffee and fast carbohydrates – is a guaranteed high -speed output of magnesium from the body. And carbohydrates, metabolism slows down.


Don't like it very much in the mirror – the complexion is bad, swelling, circles under the eyes? Magnesium deficiency again: it plays an important role for normal blood pressure. Magnesium

The required dosage of trace elements will be prescribed by your doctor, and while paying attention to your diet. High magnesium products should be on the table every day! Choose: nuts and seeds, beans and beans, dried fruits, cocoa, oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat porridge, greens – especially fresh spinach, carrots and beets, bananas.

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Author: alex

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