12 foods that are good to eat during menstruation

Have you ever thought about how many times in your life you have to go through critical days with headaches, weakness, mood swings and other ailments. Every woman has this cycle for 40 years, and 480 cycles occur in her lifetime! Agree, this is a serious reason to think about how to make your life easier during this time.

We have compiled a list of products that will support you in critical days and help you get through them more easily.


Dull aching pains in the lower abdomen occur due to water retention. But few people think at all why our body tends to retain water during menstruation. Simply because he loses it in large quantities and reacts to the lack of fluid by retaining it. To “drive away” water, you need to increase its consumption.


Oats contain magnesium, which supports the nervous system during menstruation. It will help you fall asleep, reduce anxiety and smooth out mood swings. Oats are also one of the best sources of zinc, which is very helpful for women who suffer from painful periods. And also provides the body with the necessary carbohydrates during this period. Everyone knows how nutritious “oatmeal” is and how easily it is absorbed, so it will be an excellent helper in critical days.

Women lose from 30 to 80 ml of blood during menstruation, which corresponds to 15-25 mg of iron, therefore, it is important to fill the lack of iron with products that contain it in large quantities.


This herb contains an apiol compound that can stimulate the whole process , while relieving menstrual cramps (dull aching pains in the lower abdomen).


It also relieves pain in the lower abdomen because it contains many nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B6 and magnesium.


To to reduce spasms and fatigue during menstruation, you need to eat legumes. They have a lot of vitamin B and coarse fiber, which normalizes digestion. However, do not overdo it so as not to cause bloating.

A woman's body needs approximately 1200 mg of calcium during menstruation. (this is twice the usual daily rate). Lack of calcium increases the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of PMS.


This vegetable helps fight bloating, swelling and excessive fatigue. Broccoli contains calcium, vitamins A, C, B6 and E, potassium and magnesium, which relieve PMS symptoms.


Bananas can also help with digestion, which is important for women who suffer from diarrhea during the critical period. Bananas are also known to help with cramps thanks to vitamin B6, but the main thing is that bananas are rich in potassium, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body, and therefore relieves swelling and bloating. And then again, everyone knows that bananas are a great mood booster.


Pineapples also help fight spasms because they contain bromelain, a plant an enzyme that promotes muscle relaxation. True, a large part of bromelain is found in the stems of pineapple, which is not very tasty, but, nevertheless, it is edible.


They should be eaten as much as possible during menstruation. Apples saturate the body with magnesium and iron necessary during menstruation.


Contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties properties In addition, walnuts are rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. There are studies that prove that women who consume Omega-3 fatty acids have less painful periods.


Seeds are rich in vitamin E, as well as zinc and magnesium. Sunflower seeds also contain pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), which helps relieve pain during menstruation, and also promotes the absorption of zinc and magnesium.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea helps reduce muscle spasms, relieve tension, reduce anxiety and irritability. It is considered a natural anti-inflammatory agent that relieves pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, warm drinks are especially recommended during this period.

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Author: alex

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