12 tips for those who suffer from a lack of time

You have a whole day not enough for anything? Stop wasting it.

The American Institute of Public Opinion polled the public and found that 61% of Americans suffer from a lack of time for what they want to do, and 68% of people say that they lack rest.

Lack of time because people work so much? Do they just not know how to manage their time?

Now you will learn the reasons why you waste your time and how to stop doing it.

Check your e-mail less often

Very often, a person does not even realize how much time he spends looking at his e-mail. And it takes about 6 hours a day and most views are unnecessary, just a waste of time. Try to check your mailbox 1-2 times a day and immediately answer important letters, without postponing this matter for later.

Learn to say “no”

You can't say “no” to a boss who overwhelms you with new tasks or to friends who invite you to the next party. Every yes you say is a waste of time. Think carefully about whether your “yes” will benefit you, or it's better to say a firm “no”.

Learn to make decisions without long thoughts

Don't waste time on long thoughts. For example, you may wonder when it is better to start working on a new project now, in 2-3 hours, or to postpone it until tomorrow.

Set limits and try to stick to them

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on social media? networks or a computer game? If you have some kind of addiction and it is difficult for you to reduce the time spent on the Internet, then use various special programs that will block your “interests” at a given time.

You need more often break for rest

Constant work without a break has a bad effect on a person's attentiveness. Over time, it will become increasingly difficult to concentrate, which in turn leads to a decrease in productivity. Then the work that is done in half an hour will be delayed for an hour or longer.

According to the research of scientists, the best ratio of work and break during the day is 52/17 minutes.

Don't complain, but act

Complaining is a waste of time. Complaining won't make you better or fix the situation. Better act!

For example, if you're stuck in a traffic jam, don't get nervous, just think that it's better to leave early tomorrow, when there's less traffic on the road.

Turn off unnecessary messages


Do you think you only need a few seconds to look at the next message? It is, but studies show that when you are distracted from work, it takes you 23 minutes to regain full focus on the task you were doing.

Make the most of it time

If your work is not at home, then you spend time commuting every day. If you're stuck in traffic on the way, you can use the time by listening to audiobooks, or you can ride your bike to work so you don't have to go to the gym.

If possible , skip unproductive meetings

Most employees spend a third of their time on various meetings, which are sometimes completely useless. If you spend 9 hours at work, then 3 hours go to meetings, that's 15 hours a week.

Cut your losses

For example, you have an idea for a new advertising plan that you have spent about 10 hours on, but you see that the income it will be slightly above average.

You think it would be a good idea to pursue another idea, but you have already invested a lot of time in the previous one. Maybe it's better to spend even more time on it, but then you at least make up for the losses.

Delegate tasks to others

A lot who thinks that training someone else to do a given task will take much longer than the task itself.

It is true, but it is all short-lived. When you train someone to do the same tasks, you'll make an investment that will save you from wasting your time doing those tasks.

Do one thing at a time

Don't multitask. Complete one task to the end, and then you will see that you spent your time more efficiently.

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Author: alex

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