13 symptoms that may signal cancer

Some common symptoms of cancer can be easily ignored or mistaken for something else.

The disease occurs when abnormal cells divide and spread uncontrollably, sometimes affecting nearby tissues and organs. The symptoms of cancer often depend on where in the body it grows. However, others may be more general signs that can be associated with many other diseases.

The doctor shared some symptoms to watch out for.

Here are 13 signs of cancer that require medical attention.

These include skin changes, unexplained weight loss, and feeling weak or tired.

“Changes in skin texture and tone should be monitored and checked. If an area starts to change color (most often turning red, brown or black) or if you see raised bumps, this could be a sign of skin cancer. Unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel movements may be signs that something is wrong with your gastrointestinal tract. You should also check for blood in your urine or feces,” says an oncologist.

Lung cancer is a deadly type of cancer.

“A new cough, shortness of breath or wheezing can be a sign of lung cancer, and bone pain (especially in the hips and back) are signs that cancer may be there,” he said.

Pain in the neck or shoulders can also be a sign of lung cancer.

He warned of some common signs of cancer that should not be ignored.

Feeling weak, tired, losing weight, pain in certain areas or poor appetite are potential signs of cancer and should not be ignored if they do not go away within a few weeks.

“These things aren’t always easy to notice and can be explained by stress or lifestyle factors, but it’s important to listen to your body and the people around you, who may sometimes notice if you don’t seem quite yourself,” explains the oncologist.

When to see a doctor

If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, you should see your doctor.

“You should pay close attention to any symptoms.”

If they persist or worsen, you should seek medical attention. If you develop other symptoms, you should make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible.

However, these symptoms don’t necessarily mean you have cancer.

However, they could also be signs of something else. For example, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer have some similarities to the symptoms of IBS.

Coughing and shortness of breath may be signs of asthma or bronchitis, rather than lung cancer. Severe pelvic pain and irregular menstrual bleeding may be symptoms of ovarian cancer, as well as endometriosis.

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Author: alex

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