15 products for a long and healthy life to the opinion of scientists from the US

These products from the USA.

legumes. beans, peas, lentils, peanuts and chickpeas are excellent sources of fiber and vegetable protein that stabilize blood sugar and heal intestinal microflora. Healthy gut, in turn, helps to regulate inflammation, lower the level of lipids in the blood and regulate the immune function. According to the nutritionist Suzanne Dickson, at least five portions of legumes should be included in the diet.

eggs. While the eggs have a high cholesterol content, many studies show that they do not affect the total cholesterol in the blood. According to meta -analysis, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people with high egg consumption (about seven per week) were at risk of stroke 12 percent lower than those who had low egg consumption (less than two a week).

greens.Green leafy vegetables are filled with folate that is vital for cell growth and red blood cell formation. In addition, they provide the body with carotenoids that increase the level of antioxidants in the body that protect against DNA breakdown or cell destruction. One of the most important carotenoids is folic acid.Cabbage in all its species and radishes support the natural processes of detoxification of the body. Crusaders are especially useful for women, as they help maintain a healthy estrogen level and prevent cancer, such as breast cancer, ovaries, endometrium. Women are advised to consume at least five servings of cruciferous vegetables weekly.Nutritionist Susan Shenk notes that the use of fatty fish is extremely useful for healthy brain activity. Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA (docosaexaeic acid) feed on brain cells, prevent memory loss and depression.

fermented products. This is especially important with age, as the intestinal microbioma over time loses its bacterial diversity that is so necessary for overall health. Ideally, you need to eat at least one portion of fermented food a day.

onions. Onions, garlic, leek, onion, sulfur containing the process of detoxification of the body.

coffee. But experts recommend that the sugar, milk and cream are added to the coffee are carefully controlled.

tea. Nutritionist Suzanne Dixon states that black tea consumption is associated with improving the density of bones in elderly women, and green tea in turn reduces the risk of breast cancer and other cancers. It recommends drinking two to three cups of tea a day.

plums and prunes. these fruits contain powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals-molecules that lead to rapid decomposition of body cells and accelerated aging. The fruit contains a large amount of potassium – even more than banana. Potassium helps to reduce blood pressure by equating the negative effects of salt in the daily diet.

turmeric. The powerful anti -inflammatory properties of the spice provides its active ingredient of curcumin.

oats. Thus oats protect against the development of diabetes and heart disease.

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Author: alex

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