2 nuances and geranium will begin to bloom with beautiful “caps” by autumn

< p>Far from all florists, it is possible to make pelargonium bloom with lush caps from spring to autumn. 2 important rules must be followed by those who want to achieve this.


The first rule is to keep the geranium pot on a sunny windowsill. The flower should stand so that other flowers do not obstruct access to the sun.

Geranium is one of the most demanding flowers for good lighting. There will be a lack of light – there will be no lush flowering. It is almost impossible to wait for geranium to bloom on a “west” or “north” window.

The second rule is to feed geranium once a month with iodine and hydrogen peroxide. After watering with an iodine solution, pelargoniums form flowers of a more saturated color, and hydrogen peroxide saturates the soil in the pot with oxygen, improves the immunity of the flower.

You need to mix a tablespoon of peroxide and a drop of iodine in a liter of water at room temperature and water the geranium over the wet soil. . Iodine and peroxide will be an excellent stimulator of geranium flowering.

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Author: alex

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