25-minute workout and no simple carbohydrates: the secret of Lady Gaga's slim figure revealed


It's no secret that the singer Lady Gaga is prone to obesity, but she managed to lose almost 15 kg! As it turned out, the star did not exhaust himself with long training sessions or strict diets. It's all about a special system: 25 minutes of sports every morning and the “5 Factors” nutrition technique.

The star trainer tells about everything in order:

25 sports minutes

Every morning, after a glass of warm water, the artist trains for 25 minutes according to a clearly defined plan – 5 exercises, 1 minute for each, 5 approaches. Everything is simple.

  • Exercise #1. For the whole body. A squat is performed, followed by a smooth transition to a plank and push-ups. We lie down on the floor – raise our hands. Repeated push-ups and return to the starting position.
  • Exercise #2. On the stomach and hips. Intense lunges at an accelerated pace.
  • Exercise #3. On the buttocks.The “reverse bar” is performed – we lie down on our stomachs, hold our body on bent arms. We alternately stretch our hands crosswise to the opposite leg, then lower ourselves. It is advisable to keep an intense pace.
  • Exercise #4. Stabilization. We press the lower back to the ground, raise the body, straining the press. The movement is performed with the right hand across – to the left leg and vice versa.
  • Exercise No. 5. Cardio. The complex ends with the “Jumping Jack” exercise. Hands to the sides, feet shoulder width apart. Breathing is even. We jump for 1 minute. We inhale deeply, exhale and return the breath to a calm rhythm.

Diet “5 factors”

The duration of the diet is 5 weeks, and the number of meals – 5 times.

Features diets:

Each meal must contain 5 components: protein, complex carbohydrates, fats, fiber and plain water. It is important to monitor the quality of the selected products. Yes, eating the wrong carbohydrate can delay the weight loss process, so you should choose products from whole grains;

Water should be drunk before the start of the meal, not at the end;

Every week you can arrange one dietary day off or, as it is fashionable to say cheet-meel. On this day, you can not follow the strict restrictions and eat whatever you want, but it is recommended to break the rules in the first half of the day.

Prohibitions – you cannot eat products made from white flour , sugar, banana, grapes, melon, dried fruits.

One of the options for an ideal breakfast:

  • A glass of water before starting a meal;


  • Protein: 150 g of low-fat cheese;
  • Fiber: chopped apple;
  • Fat: a little walnuts.
  • For taste, you can season the dish with a spoon Greek yogurt and eat with whole grain bread.

25-minute workout and no simple carbohydrates: the secret of Lady Gaga's slim figure revealed

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Author: alex

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