3 changes in the diet that will extend life by 10 years

Avoiding junk food has long been considered the most sensible approach when it comes to good health and longevity. However, a new study has identified three healthy foods that can increase life expectancy by 10 years.

In a scientific paper conducted by scientists from the University of Bergen in Norway, various data obtained from the Global Burden of Diseases Study were analyzed. With their help, the researchers built a model to estimate life expectancy based on certain changes in the diet.

The results, published in the medical journal PLOS Medicine, showed that young people can live 10 years longer if they include in your diet several products. At the same time, in older people, such decisions led to smaller changes, but they were still significant.

In particular, it was found that when switching to proper nutrition at the age of 20, life expectancy increased by more than 10 years. The highest rate was observed among women and men who began to eat legumes, whole grains and nuts.

In addition, reducing the consumption of red and processed meat led to significant improvements. The researchers also noted that making similar changes in the diet of people in their 60s could increase life expectancy by eight years for women and 8.8 years for men. When the elderly switched to the diet at the age of 80, the average life expectancy increased by 3.4 years.

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Author: alex

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