3 character traits that affect longevity: they have people aged 100 years and older
Long-lived people are an interesting phenomenon. For decades, researchers have tried to uncover the secrets of living 100 years or more. From lifestyle to genetics, there are many pieces to the puzzle. One of the most recent discoveries to emerge in the literature is the effect that personality traits can have on lifespan.
Scientists have sought to determine whether personality affects lifespan. To gather their findings, the researchers studied the personality characteristics of long-lived people.
The researchers developed a method that compares the actual result of a personality test for long-lived people with the predicted test result of a 100-year-old person, calculated on the basis of a younger control group.
Results showed higher openness in both male and female long-timers, and higher conscientiousness and extraversion in female long-timers compared to the control group. High scores on personality traits such as conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness are associated with longevity.
“These personality traits promote longevity through health-related behaviors, stress reduction, and adaptation to complex problems”.
A low level of neuroticism also contributes to longevity to a greater extent.
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