3 Chips cooking thin pancakes like a net: no soda, yeast and baking powder

0 There are simple rules for pancake cooking, thanks to elementary chips a dish comes out like a the restaurant – sophisticated and gentle. These secrets work even in cases where soda, baking powder and yeast. ml
boiling water – 150 g ml of
Higher grade flour – 150 g refined – 1 tbsp. l.
Salt – 0.5 tsp. Continuing to whisk, pour warm milk. When the dough becomes homogeneous, sift the flour and mix.

2. Add the oil and immediately pour in the water-olive-mix with a mixer. There should be no lumps in the dough, the consistency is enough – do not even think to add more flour, everything is right, it should be liquid.

3. We heat the pan. Bake at maximum power.

4. Before frying, you need to grease the pan with oil, one pancake is one tunnel, but focus on the diameter of your own pan.

5. Fry very fast-15-20 seconds each side. 2. Bake on maximum heat and a little greased with oil frying pan if it is not non -stick.
3. For thin pancakes the dough must be sure liquid.

delicious pancakes!

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Author: alex

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