3 common myths about health and well-being
There are a lot of methods to improve your well-being. But you shouldn't trust them all. After all, a lot of opinions about health are wrong. We tell you in our material which statements and advice are nothing more than myths.
Myth #1: Cold temperatures cause illness
Yes, people get sick more often in the fall and winter. However, this does not depend on the temperature outside. Research has shown that people who have a cold are just as likely to get infected if they are warm at home. Those who walk outside are at similar risk. In fact, the spread of the disease depends on contact with infected people. Lack of ventilation also affects the risks.
Myth #2: You need to get enough sleep on the weekends
Very often, people don't get enough sleep during the week in a rush to get everything planned for the day. But on weekends, it is supposedly possible to sleep in for the whole week. But this is a misconception. Modern studies prove that if you sleep for four hours during the week and 10 hours on weekends, your well-being will be unsatisfactory. Therefore, it makes sense to sleep for 7-8 hours every day to maintain good health.
Myth #3: You can't eat after 6:00 PM
It is believed that eating after 6:00 PM promises extra pounds, so people who are losing weight tend not to eat in the evenings. But this is a common myth that has long been passed down from one generation to another. But there is absolutely no truth to this statement. You should not skip meals in order to lose weight. It is important to eat a balanced diet, as much as your body needs. After all, the most important thing is that calories are burned, then the weight will be within the acceptable norm. But going hungry is not the best solution if you want to stay healthy.
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