3 drinks that can raise cholesterol
What drinks to avoid to lower cholesterol to a minimum?
Although lipoproteins are necessary for healthy development, too much “bad” cholesterol, known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), can impede blood flow to the heart when it is left to build up.
It is possible to balance a moderate level of “good” and “bad” cholesterol in the body with the help of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
Alcohol, soda, and caffeinated beverages are linked to high cholesterol and heart disease, and here's why.
Sweet Drinks
Sweet Drinks , such as sugary sodas and processed fruit juices, can increase your risk of developing higher levels of unhealthy fats because of the concentrated amount of sugar they contain.
High sugar intake is directly linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol, which can put you at risk for fatal heart conditions such as heart attack, coronary heart disease or even stroke.
< strong>How alcohol affects cholesterol
Alcohol is twice as dangerous for cholesterol levels as sugary and caffeinated drinks because it is processed in the liver.
British Heart Foundation:
“When you drink alcohol, it is broken down and converted into triglycerides and cholesterol in the liver. If triglyceride levels get too high, they can build up in the liver, causing fatty liver disease. The liver can't work as well as it should and can't remove cholesterol from the blood, so the cholesterol level goes up.”
Can coffee raise cholesterol?
< p>Several studies have found a link between coffee consumption and high cholesterol levels caused by coffee oils such as cafestol and kahweol.
“Cafestol is “the most potent cholesterol-raising compound found in the human diet “.
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