3 factors that increase the risk of skin cancer besides tanning
Among the measures that can reduce the risk of skin cancer, scientists highlight not only protection from sunlight.
“To protect yourself from skin cancer as much as possible, it is not enough to avoid sunburn and limit the time spent in the sun,” researchers from the American organization Skin Cancer Foundation reported.
Experts told what other factors, in addition to excessive tanning and prolonged exposure to the sun, can provoke the development of oncological skin disease.
Lack of sleep. With constant lack of sleep in the body the production of the hormone melatonin, which is produced at night in the dark and is very important for quality sleep and falling asleep, is disrupted.
According to scientists, the habit of staying up late into the night threatens with a deficiency of the hormone and health problems. Experts note that a sufficient concentration of melatonin in the body enhances the skin's protection from ultraviolet radiation – this hormone plays the role of an antioxidant that acts more effectively than vitamins A or C.
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