3 main signs of cancer that appear in the morning
Symptoms that appear in the morning can, in some cases, signal that the cancer has spread to different parts of the body.
Like many diseases, cancer tends to manifest itself with a constant set of symptoms that worsen over time. Sometimes, however, the intensity of some symptoms can be higher in the morning, making them more noticeable upon waking.
Here are three signs that most often appear in the early hours of the day.
Fatigue is very common in people with cancer, and it can be an unpleasant symptom. Many people say this is the most devastating side effect of all. Cancer-related fatigue can affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Cancer fatigue is most often the result of cancer cells depleting the body’s stores of nutrients in order to grow and thrive. This “stealing” of nutrients means that the body no longer has what it needs to replenish its stores, making it extremely tired.
Fatigue can be more severe with blood cancers because these diseases originate in the bone marrow. The bone marrow is a vital factor in determining the severity of cancer because it is responsible for producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen to different parts of the body.
However, while fatigue can be more severe with blood cancers, it is a common condition with all types of cancer. This also applies to nausea, which is common in brain tumors, liver tumors, and gastrointestinal tumors.
Seven out of 10 people with advanced cancer report nausea and vomiting, making it a very common symptom. However, it should be noted that feeling unwell can be a side effect of several health complications and is rarely related to cancer.
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