3 mistakes, due to which the pear does not bear fruit well
There are no trifles in agricultural technology, regardless of whether it is a question of garden or vegetable crops. Especially since the pear has a very capricious character. Thanks to the intervention of breeders, there are only three problems left in the pear tree that make it refuse to bear fruit.
Reason one
This is the simplest thing that can happen. Young trees or early-fruiting varieties do not bear fruit. If an apple tree gives its first harvest 2-3 years after planting, then a pear tree may not “reborn” before 5-7 years.
You can influence this circumstance with formative pruning, which will accelerate flowering.
Reason two
If the pear tree still bloomed, but very poorly, this is a consequence of a lack of sunlight and nutrition. If the tree spends a third of the daylight hours in the shade or grows on unfertilized soil, then the flower buds will not develop properly.
Reason three
This is the most common reason, which is that summer residents buy two-year-old seedlings or older ones.
But the most important thing, which few people pay attention to, is the ratio of the root system and the crown of the seedling. It should be approximately the same (but the roots should be slightly larger).
After planting, the branches should be trimmed by 1/3. Then the tree will have enough strength and energy to take root and produce a harvest earlier.
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