3 mistakes that can cause you to lose your carrot crop
In order to harvest quality carrots, you need to know how to properly care for the culture. Some rules must be followed strictly, otherwise the vegetable will grow tasteless and deformed. What mistakes are most often made by inexperienced summer residents.
Many people believe that this fertilizer has no equal in its effectiveness. This is a true observation, but there is one condition: the manure must be well rotted before application.
If this is not done, the fruits will grow small. You will also have to deal with the carrot fly during the season.
Lack of watering schedule
If you do not want carrots to crack during growth, then do not forget about regular watering. Excess moisture is also harmful, so water should be supplied to the beds in time.
8 liters of liquid are needed for each square meter of planting. If the weather is hot and dry outside, then watering is carried out twice a week.
If the weather is normal, then the culture is watered twice as often.
There is no sunlight
Carrots belongs to light-loving crops, so it makes no sense to plant the vegetable in the shade.
If you do not provide the vegetable with a sufficient amount of sunlight, the fruits will grow small and tasteless.
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