3 Most Common Causes of Low Back Pain – Mayo Clinic Explains What to Do

Back pain is particularly common, but usually goes away on its own within a few days or hours. You can reduce your chances of developing the disease by simply making a few changes to your daily lifestyle.

The pain may start as a dull ache in the lower back that occurs only occasionally. It can range from a shooting burning sensation that spreads throughout the spine.

If your back pain does not go away within a few weeks, it may be time to see a doctor. You can reduce your chances of ever reaching this stage by knowing the most common causes of back pain.

Changing your daily routine can be the key to managing back pain, especially as you get older. For example, it is claimed that poor physical condition is one of the main causes of back pain.

According to the Mayo Clinic, lack of exercise leads to weak, unused back muscles. Without proper strength training, the muscles will not be able to function properly, leading to back pain.

In the same way, lifting heavy objects without bending the legs can cause back pain. Even smoking cigarettes increases the risk of back pain, and the more you smoke, the greater your risk.

“Back pain can happen to anyone, even children and teenagers,” they said. at the Mayo Clinic. “You can avoid back pain or prevent it from recurring by improving your physical condition by learning and practicing proper body mechanics. Avoid lifting heavy objects if possible, but if you have to lift something heavy, let your legs do the work. Keep your back straight – without twisting – and bend only at the knees. Keep the load close to your body. Find a lifting partner if the object is heavy or uncomfortable.”

Walking and swimming are ideal exercise options, but if you're not sure, talk to your doctor.

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Author: alex

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