3 options what to do with fallen apples in the garden

The time comes when a reasonable question arises. What to do with fallen apples which are really a lot? So leaving all over the area before winter? After all, not only spoiled fruits, but also ripe and delicious fall. Let them be beaten and lie down. But such apples are great for home -made tinctures and juices. The main thing is that they are not rotten.

  • secondly, a wonderful compost comes out of fallen apples. Even without a compost pit, you can put them in the process. On the released beds, to make a small dig, about under the bayonet of the shovel. Pick up a layer of earth. Pour apples. IMPORTANTLY! It is not about diseased fruits. You can also add weeds and buds. Close a layer of earth. At the beginning of the new season, the first plantings will thank with a friendly and strong crop. Pre -clarifying the owners as relevant. IMPORTANTLY! When passing apples for animals, you need to select only healthy fruits. You can also ask for processing organizations. In some cities, they even accept fallen fruit for a small money.
  • if not one way is not suitable. It remains to pack the fall into strong packages and take it to a specially designated garbage area. Leaving apples on the ground or throwing in ordinary containers is not worth it.

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    Author: alex

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