3 physical sensations of iron deficiency anemia
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Iron deficiency anemia is more likely in menstruating women due to blood loss. What are the signs of iron deficiency in the body? Here are the symptoms.
The three physical symptoms of iron deficiency include: fatigue and lack of energy, shortness of breath, and a noticeably faster heartbeat.
However, the NHS added that there are still signs to look out for. One such example is pale skin, and another, much less common, symptom is tinnitus. It's when you hear a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in your head that doesn't represent sounds coming from the real world.
Anemia can also lead to headaches, food that tastes weird, and an itchy feeling. A lack of iron in the body can also lead to unwanted hair loss, which is usually more noticeable when you brush or wash your hair. There may also be an unusual desire to eat non-food items such as paper and/or ice, also known as pica.
Some people with nutritional deficiencies have difficulty swallowing. In addition, painful sores and restless legs syndrome can develop in the corners of the mouth.
Fortunately, a simple blood test ordered by your doctor can confirm whether you have anemia. If you are concerned that you may have an iron deficiency, it is best to consult your doctor. This is because a lack of iron can affect your immune system, making you sick more often.
Iron deficiency anemia also increases your risk of heart or lung complications.
National the health service has confirmed that people prescribed iron tablets are likely to need to continue taking supplements for six months. Be prepared for the fact that taking iron tablets can cause side effects that can cause discomfort.
A doctor's consultation is necessary before taking supplements.
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