3 possible causes of stroke that many people don't realize

Excessive noise, flu, overwork… These factors can provoke the development of a stroke, which many people are not aware of.

Experts told the press about what little-known causes can be a trigger for the development of a stroke.

Drinking diet soda. A large-scale study involving more than 80,000 women showed that drinking just two cans of sugar-free diet drinks a day increases the probability of stroke (as well as heart attack) by more than 30%. In addition, studies show that regular carbonated drinks significantly impair memory, and also lead to brain atrophy.

Overfatigue. Constant processing can have a detrimental effect on the state of the central nervous system. Researchers say that the lack of rest exhausts the nervous system and reduces its protective potential. People who work more than 55 hours a week have a particularly high risk of stroke. This is facilitated by a significant level of work stress combined with a lack of time to prepare healthy meals and exercise.

Flu. Scientists have found that the flu is in many cases a precursor to stroke. Among people who have had the flu, the risk of stroke increases by 40% within 15 days of illness, and a less significant risk of stroke persists for a year after the flu. According to doctors, the flu can contribute to the narrowing (stenosis) of the carotid artery, which disrupts blood flow to the brain.

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Author: alex

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