3 quick and easy ways to prepare cabbage for cabbage rolls

If you are still throwing up makes you shudder just thinking about having to cook cabbage rolls, thanks to the tips below you will cope with a difficult dish in two seconds.


    1. For the first method, it is necessary to cut off almost a third of the cob (from the side where the trunk and thick parts of the leaves are located) with a sharp knife. The trimmed head of cabbage should be dipped in boiling water for some time, after which you will be able to pull the cabbage leaves out of the pan by hooking them with a fork. The cut part should not be thrown away – it can be chopped and placed between cabbage rolls or scrolled through a meat grinder and added to minced meat.
    2. In the second option, you will need a microwave oven. Place the head of cabbage in a container of the appropriate size and, without pouring water into it, put it in the microwave for 5-6 minutes, turning on the maximum power. After removing the cabbage from the microwave oven, it is necessary to send it under a stream of cold water. About 5-6 leaves will come off the cob without problems, after which the operation should be repeated.
    3. Finally, the easiest way is to put the cob in the freezer. Experienced housewives assure that after thawing the leaves for cabbage rolls can be separated without problems.

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Author: alex

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