3 things seniors need for a happy old age
Older people want to live in long-term care settings, strongly preferring to remain in their own homes and communities or in various alternative forms of public housing in which they have access to home and community services. Here's what it takes.
Flexible health and personal care and family support tailored to each individual or older couple as their needs grow and weaken. These needs usually increase with age, but not always. The evidence clearly shows that if the well-being of older people is supported in all its aspects and if the provision of services begins “upstream” at the first signs of a problem, then the onset and progression of dementia and other manifestations of frailty can be prevented (if not reversed).
Socialization is another key need for healthy aging, a need best met by allowing older people to remain in their communities with their families, friends and neighbors and acknowledging their familiarity with the range of services provided by their community.
Meeting older people's lifestyle and/or leisure needs is also vital to aging well, especially when integrated with social needs of a person or a couple. Unfortunately, data shows that older adults in our modern online society are succumbing to Internet trends that undermine the beneficial effects of both social interaction and regular exercise.
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