3 “tricks” that will help geraniums bloom long and “luxuriously”

Geranium is a favorite flower of many flower growers, because even in the absence of regular care, the plant still looks presentable and impresses with its beauty and lush flowering. But if you also know some secrets of care and cultivation, then this flower will be, in general, the envy of the guests of your house.

The right choice of location

Some people send geraniums to the garden for the summer so that the plant decorates the plot. However, in this case, it is worth finding the ideal place.

The sun is important for the plant, since in its absence only the green part will be saturated. However, a large amount of light does not have the best effect on the plant. Therefore, try to position the geranium so that it does not experience a lack of lighting, but is also protected from sunburn.

Secret feeding

If you want geraniums to have many lush flowers, then you should feed them once every 14 days. To do this, take 100 g of yeast, mix in a bowl with a small amount of liquid and add 100 grams of sugar, mix well and pour the resulting composition into three liters of settled water. Then this mixture should be left in a warm place for fermentation.

When fermentation is complete, the top dressing is ready. 250 ml of fertilizer requires a bucket of water.

Proper watering

Geraniums are never watered with cold water, as this can provoke the appearance of diseases, so the liquid should be warm and settled. Ideally, it should not be tap water, but rainwater or from a well.

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Author: alex

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