3 unexpected foods that provoke swelling

Everyone has long known that if you eat fatty foods at night , fried, salty or drink alcohol — morning swelling is inevitable. All these “forbidden” products provoke a retention of fluid in the body, or rather, in the intercellular space, which causes swelling. But, truth be told, salty food and alcohol are generally not very healthy and can lead to far more unpleasant consequences than swelling, so they should always be consumed in moderation. However, there are a number of really useful products that also retain fluid in the body and can cause the hated swelling. We tell you which products (despite their unconditional benefit) should be avoided in the evening diet.


Tomatoes are representatives of the nightshade family, and therefore contain a large amount of solanine. Solanine can become a catalyst for inflammatory processes and will inevitably cause swelling on the face. Good news: during heat treatment, solanine is almost completely destroyed, so a salad of fresh tomatoes can be replaced with a stew of stewed vegetables. Such a dish will provide the body with fiber and vitamins, and will protect against the harmful effects of solanine.


3 unexpected products that provoke swelling

Despite the many controversies surrounding the benefits of potatoes, nutritionists still recommend including them in the diet. Potatoes are rich in minerals and stable starch – they improve intestinal peristalsis and satiate hunger for a long time. However, the same starch can retain fluid in the body and cause swelling. This is not at all a reason to give up potatoes, you just shouldn't eat them in the evening.


Despite the fact that kefir is often recommended to drink at night to improve digestion, it is not worth doing. Sour milk products are really useful for the digestive system, and there is almost no lactose left in them, but they still retain liquid in the body.

If you are used to drinking a glass of kefir before going to bed, try to do so at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, and then be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water.

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Author: alex

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