3 unusual side effects of drinking a glass of wine

Be more careful, a drunk glass of wine can worsen the manifestation of allergies.

Symptoms of allergies. In connection with the allergy season, scientists from Denmark warn that the use of wine can give such an unusual side effect as increased allergy symptoms.

This, in particular, demonstrated a study in which 5,870 women participated. Summarizing his conclusions, experts stated that “people who drink more alcohol have an increased risk of developing allergic rhinitis – inflammation of the nasal mucosa”.

Fewer colds? According to the data, a group of 899 men who drank wine had a lower rate of colds than patients who never drank alcohol.

Explaining this unusual effect, scientists said that the tannins contained in red wine , can have an antiviral effect by deactivating virus proteins.

The quality of sleep decreases. Drinking a glass of wine in the evening makes many people sleepy, so the drink is also often called an “unofficial sleep aid.” However, a study by the London Sleep Center showed that alcohol affects REM sleep phases.

In particular, in the second third of sleep, these phases are almost completely suppressed, while in the last third of sleep they are more clearly manifested. The latter means that a person sleeps more restlessly, wakes up more often and can no longer fall asleep.

Experts warn: if the phases of REM sleep are regularly disrupted in this way, memory performance and the ability to concentrate can significantly decrease. In addition, the immune system weakens and the metabolism is disturbed. Think about it before you take another glass of wine.

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Author: alex

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