3 wastes that cannot be put in the compost pit: many summer residents make a mistake

Many gardeners install a box on their country plot. Or dig a hole. It is necessary for the collection of organic waste. Over time, the mass turns into an excellent fertilizer. However, not all residues can be composted. First of all, we are talking about possible sources of diseases and dangerous microorganisms. These are diseased plants and pet waste. Most gardeners know about the danger of this organic matter. However, there are other wastes that cannot be sent to the compost pit, but many summer residents do it anyway, as a result of which they spoil the fertilizers.

Dairy products

Food waste, which includes there is milk (for example, the drink itself, sour cream, cheese), in no case should end up in the compost box.

The fact is that such a component will attract dangerous pests.

Fish and meat

Some summer residents are sure that fish and meat remains are the ideal “organics” for the compost heap.

And yet such products should be sent to the garbage can, and not in a compost bin.

This recommendation is explained very simply: the presence of meat and fish is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of the appearance of rodents and dangerous insects.

Glossy paper

< p>Newspaper can be put in the compost pile. But the magazine one is not.

The fact is that the composition of this material contains compounds that pose a danger to the rest of the “organic”.

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Author: alex

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