4 Bad habits that create chaos in the house
Despite all the attempts to organize space, our efforts often go down quite quickly. Take a look at the chest of drawers in the hallway, which is always littered with advertising booklets and electricity bills, or a chair in the living room, which is hardly visible from the mountain of clothes. To make it much cleaner and more enjoyable at home, watch your actions and get rid of these minor, at first glance, but very insidious habits.
1. Leaving the papers anywhere
Postboxes are often littered with a huge amount of paper correspondence, but not everything is really important and necessary. Someone disassembles these blockages at once, and someone leaves all over the apartment and promises to throw away in vain letters and postcards somehow. Or put a trash can where you usually leave advertising, flyers and other paper spam.
2. To throw in the closet all in a row
is one of the “classic” cleaning methods: in any incomprehensible situation, just throw things into the closet. However, this habit does not help to organize the space and tidy up to the right, and sometimes interferes with the need.
Try another approach and fill the cabinet with convenient organizers, not only the upper but also the lower shelves.
3. Throw clothes on a chair in the bedroom
After a difficult day, many of us are lazy gently hang everything on our shoulders and clean in boxes. That is why we leave clothes on a chair or in a chair. During the visit of the guests, you can hide dirty clothes from prying eyes, and in the rest of the time – keep a basket with an open lid and immediately throw the things you need to wash. When the item is at hand, it is much easier to maintain order.
4. Buying things for which there is no place if in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, or children's space, it is time that it is time to fight your love for shopping. For example, if you have purchased a new sweater, then one of the old days to give to charity. Such a useful habit will help not clog space.
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