4 cases when coffee can act like medicine

Numerous studies confirm the medicinal properties of the drink .

From stress.An international study by scientists from the Portuguese University of Coimbra and the University of Bonn showed that caffeine blocks a special receptor and thereby reduces stress symptoms. This is also confirmed by a long-term study of Harvard University. Its experts found that women who drink four cups of caffeinated coffee a day are 20 percent less likely to suffer from depression than those who drink just one cup a week.

From brain diseases.< /strong>According to researchers from the University of Baltimore, regular coffee consumption improves long-term memory and prevents brain diseases. People who consume three cups a day are less prone to dementia and Alzheimer's disease – this is explained by the fact that caffeine suppresses the deposition of tau protein in the brain.

In addition, caffeine reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease. The University of Montreal concluded that caffeine does not increase TJ, but rather relieves it.

From heart disease. People who drink three to five cups of coffee per day, do not suffer a heart attack or stroke as often as those who do not drink coffee – this is the conclusion of the Harvard School of Public Health. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, caffeine has a positive effect on blood pressure indicators.

From liver diseases. Coffee promotes liver regeneration. According to a study by the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, anyone who drank two to three cups of coffee in the 24 hours before the test had better liver function than people who didn't drink coffee the day before. Scientists point to diterpene substances contained in coffee. They activate liver detoxification processes, simultaneously reducing the risks of cirrhosis and cancer of this organ.

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Author: alex

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