4 common breakfast foods can subtly cause inflammation

Doctors say that to limit inflammation, avoid or limit saturated fat and added sugars.

Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day. What we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat are factors that affect our overall health. As for breakfast, a number of studies show that the first meal of the day can affect body weight, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

But how well do we eat breakfast?

It turns out that foods that are often eaten for breakfast can subtly cause inflammation. Here's what's on this list.

Instant porridge.Many people choose porridge for breakfast: the dish is tasty, satiating, approved by doctors, and also budget-friendly. However, nutritionists urge to avoid cereals that require not so much cooking as simply pouring boiling water. The value of porridge as a meal is determined only by whether it is cooked from whole grains to provide the body with fiber. Porridge in the form of homogeneous masses “a la five minutes” only increases the carbohydrate load on the body, which exhausts the pancreas and provokes an increase in blood sugar, which leads to inflammation.

Pastry.< /strong> Pancakes, pancakes, muffins, donuts, buns – for many, breakfast is pastries together with coffee. Meanwhile, it's high in calories, refined sugar, and trans fats—all components that promote inflammation. An occasional or rare treat won't hurt, but when eating pastries becomes a habit, your body may struggle.

Coffee with additives. Coffee is considered a traditional breakfast drink, but all its benefits – in simplicity: there should be no sugar, cream, syrups or other sweet and high-calorie fillers. Experts remind: sugar in liquid form is absorbed much faster and therefore sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood. The higher the sugar level, the greater the chances that it will contribute to the inflammatory process.

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Author: alex

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