4 convincing reasons why you should drink champagne
Champagne is a constant drink of all parties and social events , home holidays and, of course, New Year. The general love for this drink is fully justified: because it not only lifts the mood and refreshes, but also brings health benefits. We talk about the four main reasons why drinking champagne is not only possible, but also necessary.
1. Fewer calories
Everyone knows that any alcohol is high in calories. But champagne can be safely called the “safest” of all alcoholic beverages. For comparison, a glass of white or red wine contains from 135 to 170 kcal, and champagne – about 90. If you drink extra brut (the driest champagne of all existing), the calorie content of the glass will not exceed 75 kcal.
2. Good for the brain
Among all the wines, champagne holds the record for polyphenol content. These plant compounds prevent the development of brain diseases and may help prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, as well as senile dementia. If the latter does not threaten you yet due to age, you will surely be pleased with the fact that polyphenols improve memory and concentration.
Of course, if you do not abuse sparkling wine, otherwise the effect will be reversed.
3. Good for the skin
The tartaric acids in the drink have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, evening out its tone and giving it a glow. In addition, champagne contains antioxidants that prevent cell damage by free radicals and can reduce the external signs of aging.
4. Strengthens heart health
Like all alcohol, a small dose of champagne – no more than two glasses – expands blood vessels and activates blood supply. The same polyphenols fight free radicals in the body, which stimulate the production of “bad” cholesterol, which is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants prevent it from settling on the walls of blood vessels and forming cholesterol plaques.
What is important to remember
First of all, of course, about the quantity. All these properties of champagne will bring real benefit to the body, only if it is not abused. If you drink too much, the negative effect of alcohol on the body will be so strong that there will be no sense in polyphenols from champagne. Try to limit yourself to 2-3 glasses and be sure to drink water at the same time.
Another important rule is to never drink champagne (even in small quantities) on an empty stomach: gas bubbles significantly increase stomach acidity. If nothing but champagne turns out to be there, it can lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Ideally, the drink should be eaten with fatty food, it will be able to neutralize the negative effects of alcohol on the body as much as possible.
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