4 Early Cancer Symptoms That Women Most Often Miss
Very often, these seemingly harmless signs can warn of a very serious disease.
Early signs of cancer are often masked as symptoms of other diseases, so they are often missed. Meanwhile, the success of treatment and the chances of remission depend on how early the disease is detected. Pay attention to these early signs of cancer that women most often miss – see a doctor immediately if you notice any of them in yourself or your loved ones.
Postmenopausal bleeding
A few dark spots on your underwear that have appeared once can, in principle, be ignored. But if the bleeding is more or less abundant, prolonged, and especially if it is not an isolated case, consult a doctor immediately. Bleeding after menopause is one of the early symptoms of uterine or ovarian cancer, it cannot be ignored.
Sores in the mouth
Non-healing ulcers, white or red spots on the gums and tongue, painful gums, swelling or numbness of the jaw – all this is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that this is how early signs of laryngeal and oral cancer appear – and it is important to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment as soon as possible.
On certain days of the cycle, almost every woman experiences “bloating” of the abdomen, but if this discomfort does not go away after the end of menstruation, if it is accompanied by regular constipation, this may be a manifestation of ovarian cancer. Another symptom that is important not to ignore is loss of appetite or unusually rapid satiety.
Irregular menstruation
Irregular menstruation, too scanty or, conversely, unusually heavy menstruation, pain in the pelvic area – these unpleasant symptoms can warn of cancer of the uterus, ovary or other organs of the reproductive system.
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