4 foods to limit to reduce your risk of dementia

As a person ages, the risk of developing dementia increases. Dementia causes not only memory loss. It can affect the way you think, feel, speak, and behave. Dementia Australia says diet is one of the factors researchers are studying for its role in reducing the risk of dementia.

While there are certain foods that should be limited, research now shows that a healthy, balanced diet important for everyone to help prevent other health problems.

This suggests that studies have shown that people with a high intake of saturated and trans fats in their diet “have a higher risk of developing dementia,” while people with a diet that includes unsaturated, non-hydrogenated fats “have a lower risk.” .

“Foods high in saturated fat include butter, lard, meat, full-fat dairy products, coconut oil, palm oil and chocolate. Trans fats are widely used in fast foods, snacks, fried foods, and commercial baked goods such as cakes and cookies.” Try to limit your intake of these foods and choose low-fat foods whenever possible.”

While there are some foods that should be limited, there are also some foods that you may need to include in your diet. diet in greater amounts to reduce risk.

It says that “higher intakes of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats were associated with a lower risk of developing dementia.” These fats can raise HDL cholesterol, “which can help protect brain cells.”

Ages 40 to 60 is a good time to start taking steps to reduce your risk of developing dementia, although it's good to do it at any age. -what age.

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Author: alex

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