4 most important benefits of cocoa

Cocoa is one of the most popular and favorite drinks among many generations of our compatriots. And here are some of the most important health benefits of this drink.

Mental Health

In addition to the good mood of absorbing chocolate, cocoa is actually very useful for regulating neurotransmitters (brain chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, etc.) that determine our mood. Cocoa especially helps to increase serotonin levels due to the presence of anandamide. And it is widely known as the “bliss molecule” because it is released when we feel good. In addition, this nutrient increases the production of nerve cells, which reduce anxiety and depression.

A lot of antioxidants

Did you know that cocoa has 20 times more antioxidants than blueberries? Antioxidants have the incredible ability to neutralize some of the free radicals and toxins we encounter in our daily lives, thereby reducing their harmful effects and reducing the risk of both disease and aging. With age, the body's ability to fight free radicals decreases, which means that foods rich in antioxidants become increasingly important. Cacao's antioxidant properties have been shown to help reduce insulin sensitivity and resistance, which is extremely good news for those struggling with insulin sensitivity.

Recovery After Workouts

< p>Cocoa is not as effective in muscle recovery as consuming all 9 essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Of course, it should definitely not be relied upon as your only muscle recovery option, but it does contain one of the most valuable amino acids called arginine. Arginine is very good at lowering blood pressure, promotes muscle recovery and overall heart health!

Source of iron

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Author: alex

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