4 products to improve eye health

Many people also know that carrots are good for the eyes from childhood. However, you can also include a number of other products in your diet that have a positive effect on vision.

Such food is unlikely to replace glasses, but it will definitely have a positive effect on eye health. Northern fish should be added to your menu: salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring. It contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They affect the prevention of dry eyes, providing prevention of cataracts and retinal dystrophy.

It is also necessary to consume more greens. For example, parsley or spinach, which contains lutein and zeaxanthin. It prevents age-related macular degeneration, which leads to blurred vision.

Eggs are also good for the eyes. They also contain a considerable amount of lutein and zeaxanthin, and omega-3 acids, which reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

You should diversify your diet with nuts. They also contain omega-3 and vitamin E, which have a positive effect on eye health. Pine nuts, hazelnuts and almonds are very useful. However, it is worth remembering that their use should be limited to 30 grams per day.

Experts remind that in order to maintain eye health, a balanced diet is necessary, which ensures the correct absorption of vitamins and trace elements.

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Author: alex

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