4 signs of liver damage – the condition is now serious and life-threatening
One of the late manifestations in serious cases of liver disease occurs not in the liver, but closer to the mouth. Esophageal varices develop when blood flow to the liver is blocked by a blood clot. They can also be caused by scar tissue in the liver.
The reason for the development of esophageal varices is that blood must find a way to bypass the blockage. As a result, it enters the small blood vessels; those that are designed to carry large volumes of blood.
These vessels can eventually leak or even rupture, causing bleeding that can be life-threatening.
To the symptoms of varicose veins oesophageal veins include:
• Vomiting with blood
• Black tarry stools
• Dizziness
• Loss of consciousness in severe cases
Urgent it is recommended that a person see their doctor if they have any signs of oesophageal varices.
If liver disease has already been diagnosed, it is likely that the GP could have informed the person of their risk of oesophageal varices and what they can do to reduce that risk.
Esophageal varices are caused by severe scarring of the liver, a blood clot, or a parasitic infection.
While liver disease is detected early stage, it can be treated without serious consequences.
Early symptoms of liver disease are:
• Dull or aching pain in the upper right part of the abdomen
• Severe fatigue
• Unexplained weight loss
• Weakness
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