4 signs that it's time to stop drinking coffee
If you notice these signs, you should be careful with coffee consumption.
A morning without coffee is unthinkable for many, but it is important not to overdo it. In particular, doctors do not recommend consuming more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.
If you notice any of these symptoms, stop drinking coffee for a while and see if it helps.
< p>Heartburn. Caffeine can cause acid reflux symptoms because it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. This allows stomach acid to enter the esophagus. Carbonated drinks have a similar effect.
Problems with sleep, anxiety. Due to the high caffeine content, you should stop drinking coffee at least six hours before bedtime. In those cases where there is a tendency to anxiety, it should be used with extreme caution – its intake can provoke rapid heartbeat and tremors, headache.
Withdrawal syndrome. If you think, that without coffee the day does not go as it should, this may be a symptom of withdrawal syndrome or “breakdown”. Usually, this condition develops in the conditions of a sharp rejection of the substance to which addiction arose. If you are addicted, then without coffee, you may experience extreme fatigue, impaired performance, depressed mood, or flu-like symptoms. Reduce caffeine gradually.
Weight gain. Coffee makes you feel full, and people who drink a lot of it often skip meals. But when the feeling of “coffee” satiety subsides, hunger can be felt so acutely that a person becomes prone to overeating or eating very high-calorie, fatty or sweet dishes, fast food. This can lead to the appearance of extra kilograms.
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