4 substances in our diet that protect the brain from age -related disorders
vitamins of group B, healthy fats. Doctors advise to include in the daily diet sources of substances that effectively provide brain support, help to maintain its activity and protect against age -related disorders.
B vitamins (B6, B9 and B12). The brain with age. can lose its volume. This not only leads to deterioration of cognition and motor functions, but also increases the risk of stroke and early death by 96 and 58 percent. Vitamins B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Flate) and B12 (Kobalamin) neutralize the effect of homocysteine amino acids, which increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease that contributes to brain volume.
All three vitamin B is available in the form of additives, as well as they can be obtained from food sources:
- pyridoxine, which promotes the production of neurotransmitters, is found in brown rice, lentils, meat, fish and dairy products. Fruits and by -products.
- Kobalamin, which helps metabolize the fatty acids needed by the brain is found in fish, meat and dairy products.
Healthy fats. Fats have a bad reputation because of the role that cholesterol plays in the development of coronary heart disease. But not all fats are harmful-some are really beneficial to the heart and brain.
components of omega-3 fatty acids, called DHA (docosaexaeic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenic acid), are important components of brain cellular membranes. The high levels of these fatty acids are associated with large brain volume, and their deficiency in the body contributes to the age -related reduction of cognitive functions, dementia, depression and bipolar disorder.
To get healthy fats, eat fish, nuts, eggs and some fruits.
polyphenols. plants are full of natural chemicals that benefit the brain and other organs of your body. Some of these chemicals – polyphenols – are known for their powerful antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Studies say a daily portion of grenade can improve cognitive functions and memory. Pomegranate juice also helps to fight obesity and high blood sugar, which are the risk factors of the brain shrinkage.
resveratrol. Studies show that constant resveratrol consumption increases the volume of hippocampus – part of the brain that controls the formation of long -term memory. Resveratrol also helps protect the brain from free radicals and oxidative stress that lead to the death of brain cells.
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