4 unobvious mistakes that prevent you from making rich and clear broth

Experienced housewives are in no hurry to share the recipe for cooking the right broth. Because of this, many people continue to cook soups and stews, repeating the same mistakes, being sure that they are doing it right.

Mistake one

For a rich broth, you need to take dense and even sinewy meat, and preferably on the bone.

You can choose a drumstick, ribs, or soup chicken.

Mistake two

You need to pour water in plenty, but without violating the proportions. Everything is done correctly if the meat is covered with water by 3 cm.

To cook a rich broth, you need to cook the meat in cold water, and if you want juicy and tasty meat, then it is put in boiling water.

As for the first broth, which in many houses is customary to pour down the drain, this is permissible only with chicken or beef.

Mistake three

To be honest, there shouldn't be a lot of vegetables. If the task is to cook a light and transparent broth, then nothing is put in at all except meat. If you really need to, you can use onions, carrots, or celery root, but only peeled ones.

If you overcook vegetables, they will turn into a cloudy sediment or start absorbing all the nutrients.

Mistake Four

They say you can't remove the foam. It supposedly contains nutrients. A dubious recommendation.

In fact, the foam is removed as soon as the water boils. Only a wet spoon is used for this, on which fat does not settle.

It will take a long time to remove all the foam with a skimmer.

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Author: alex

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